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October 18th:
I uncovered the DEFIANT story when I wrote my very first book - about Eagle Scouts - and met Vietnam POW and "Alcatraz 11" POW George Coker. Use this link to buy the brand new 10th Anniversary Edition for Eagle Scouts you know and proceeds benefit Scouting: http://amzn.to/2eo0sry

July 14th:
Mass market paperback edition of DEFIANT releases for easy reading at the beach!! Same amazing story of our leading POWs and their extraordinary wives - but in a smaller and less expensive package ($9.99)! Thrilled to have three editions in the market!

July 5th:
Founder of Enterprise Rent-a-Car and WWII naval aviator from USS ENTERPRISE passes away – what a legacy…

June 24th:
Special visit to Arlington National Cemetery today to visit two DEFIANT POWs: Admiral Jeremiah Denton and Lt. Colonel Ron Storz. Ron was the one "Alcatraz 11" POW who did not return home from Vietnam. He died in the Alcatraz prison in 1970 at age 36. Both were heroes - Can I get an "Amen" for that?

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© 2025 Alvin Townley