
Eagle Scout Centennial Events & Programs
May 8, 2012

With the Centennial of the Eagle Scout award coming this August, lots has been going on here in Atlanta, as well as throughout the country.  In particular, I wanted to let you know about four new related programs and ideas. 

1)  Speaking and fundraising - The BSA National Foundation now offers a subsidy to Scout councils to help cover the costs of my council fundraising visits and speaking events.  To date, we've helped raise funds, cultivate major donors, and share Scouting's story in more than seventy councils nationwide.  If I can help The Cause in your area, please let me know, or you can also contact Brian Elliott at Premiere Speakers (

2)  Eagle Scout box set - To commemorate the Centennial of the Eagle Scout award, the BSA has released a box set of my two books on Scouting, Legacy of Honor and Spirit of Adventure.  I'm biased, but it's an excellent gift for young men who've just earned Eagle - or for those Eagles who've been on the trail for decades.  Available at

3)  Rising generation Eagles - We're looking for extraordinary and/or particularly adventurous Eagle Scouts between age 20 and 40 who have exceptionally interesting stories.  If you know of anyone who fits that description, please let me know. 

4)  Book sponsorship - Two friends started a trend and are marking the Eagle Scout centennial by sponsoring copies of Spirit of Adventure for new Eagle Scouts in their councils.  If you'd like to join us and help remind new Eagle Scouts in your council that they're just starting on a lifelong trail, I've arranged a special at-cost deal ($16/book) that includes tax/shipping for bulk purchases of 20 or more at  Or you can contact me directly, of course.     

As for me, I recently visited South Sudan and China with two amazing Eagle Scouts from Spirit of Adventure, and also spent a week in Vietnam to research my fourth book, about a group of extraordinary POWs from the Vietnam War.  Can't wait to share their story with you in 2013. 

Thanks for your continuing support and encouragement - hope to see you soon...

All best,


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